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[UPDATE] SalesHunter - Best Converting Shopify Theme

[UPDATE] SalesHunter - Best Converting Shopify Theme

[UPDATE March 1, 2019] The Exclusive Offer Ended.

Get SalesHunter theme for FREE for a limited time (instead of paying $180) by registering a new Shopify store with this URL. After registration store mail your store URL to the email

Starting a Shopify store means that you are exposed to many types of cost such as production expense, marketing cost and monthly cost for Shopify to maintain your store. At the beginning, you have not made any profit at all, so even if you are so serious or just play around, the expense is really a big deal! That’s why I really recommend you use a free Shopify theme to test before bumping into spending money. But in fact, rather than premium themes, free Shopify themes are really low-quality with limited function, that is not enough for you to turn your visitors into customers.

That is the reason why SalesHunter team developed the SalesHunter - the best Converting Shopify theme, which is highly mobile responsive. It is the highest converting Shopify theme with premium quality. And the best of all, you can download this Shopify theme for free if you're going to signup with Shopify platform.


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    1. The highest converting Shopify theme
    2. SalesHunter - a premium Shopify theme
    3. Better responsive
    4. Conclusion


1. The highest converting Shopify theme

SalesHunter is made to be the highest converting Shopify theme which includes all sales boost elements and function, that you don’t have to install other third-party apps. These elements and function are:

  1. Attractive top announcement bar: Quickly inform your customer about your promotion at the moment they visit with attractive announcement bar. 
  2. Fully customizing cart page: Minimize abandoned cart rate by customizing Shopify cart page and even cross-sell, up-sell, sell more product at cart page 
  3. Real-time purchasing notification: This popup notifies the user that there are other shoppers purchasing items from your store. Seeing that other people are buying increases truth.
  4. The countdown clock: Having a timer counting down creates a sense of urgency for the customer and helps increase sales.
  5. Smart up-sales popup: Offer promotion to sell more product with the smart up-sales popup that triggered base on your defined conditions.
  6. Email collecting popup: Grow your email list with high converting popups and offers with discount coupon codes.
  7. Currency converter: Make shopping easy for your customers by showing the prices in their local currency.
  8. Social sharing: Allows your site’s visitors to share your content on any social media you choose in a couple of clicks.
  9. Trust badge: Build confidence by displaying a set of payment processor's icon to increase conversion rates.
  10. Product recommendation: Display recommended product types for your landing pages, product and cart pages to sell more.
  11. Product quick view: Help customers to Quickly see the details and add products to the cart and boost your sales.

For all of these elements, you would need to install multiple third-party apps, some are paid. But in this theme theme, SalesHunter Team includes all of these features in just one single free Shopify theme to make it the best converting Shopify theme.


2. SalesHunter - a premium Shopify theme

Merchants need to cover many things from the color scheme that matches the brand and products or smooth and flawless customers experience. One of the latest changes was related to Shopify sections which would bring better UX during Shopify store building process. SalesHunter Shopify theme is made with the latest section base to help you build your Shopify store easier.


Shopify Sections

As mentioned earlier Shopify sections deserve special attention because it gives the full freedom to web designers to edit the theme layout. Here is the outline some section structure so you get better understanding SalesHunter possibilities:




Blog post


Collection list

Featured collection


Text with icon


Logo list



Product tabs

Advanced layout

Custom content


Advanced Section layout: Custom & Masonry content

These 2 section types are quite flexible and give web designers more freedom to customize the theme. Let’s take a look at the Custom Content section.

Inside the Custom content section, you can find 8 other container elements. It includes Text, Image, Video, Product, Products, Collection, Instagram Feed and Custom HTML. Each of those elements you can set “container width” which will layout on the row perfectly.

Now, let’s go further with Masonry content section element. The image below shows you the real implementation of Masonry layout on the home page. As the masonry element, you can use Image, Product or Custom Content. The custom content is custom HTML, so you can put whatever your imagination comes with storefront building.


Navigation: Mega menu implementation

The mega menu is the part of Shopify themes and in the case of SalesHunter, it’s built in the theme itself.

To build the menu above is really simple and here is how it looks indeed. SalesHunter team used the best


3. Better responsive

According to a report namely “2016 US Cross-Platform Future in Focus" of comScore indicated that mobile is becoming the first touch point in digital with 65 percent of digital time spent, while desktop usage is decreasing under 35 percent.

Mobile purchase leads one-third of the eCommerce world. Thus responsive Shopify store will bring you more money. That's the reason why SalesHunter Team focus on mobile responsive when making SalesHunter Shopify theme, but better than that, a mobile-first free Shopify theme.

The below graph clearly illustrates the difference between responsive and mobile-first design.

(Image resource: Soulful Hustle)

While responsive design starts from the biggest screen, mobile-first one starts on the smallest on, then adapt the design on bigger ones. As announced in the Shopify Unite 2017 in San Francisco, the mobile-first design is the new responsiveness. The mission of mobile-first design is to boost conversion rate on mobile devices. Shopify Plus Blog also mentioned about this new design trend.




The expense is really a big deal at the beginning as you are not making any profit so that the SalesHunter Shopify themes is really a good start for you, which helps you to be “fully armed” and get ready for the eCommerce battle. There are a lot of free Shopify themes from SalesHunter that you can have a look at, which can be very powerful and fully customized with the help of PageFly Page Builder.

Due to the limit of Shopify themes, you might want to build some landing pages for your products or build highly customizable about us or contact us pages. PageFly is the great solution to give a try with both free and paid subscriptions packages.

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