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Shopify Cosmetic Stores: Weekly Inspiration Issue #4

Shopify Cosmetic Stores: Weekly Inspiration Issue #4
"If you look closely, you’ll notice the energy of inspiration is all around."


Welcome back to your Shopify Weekly Inspiration Series. It is I, Brendan from the SellerSmith team, here to bestow some knowledge upon you. But beware, the words on this page may stretch your comfort zone and expand your mindset.  

Before we go on, you might wanna check out our previous Shopify shoe stores weekly blog post.

If you’ve ever thought about starting an online business, this will be an important read.

You see, one of the biggest mistakes I see potential business owners and entrepreneurs make all the time is this. They don’t put enough time into researching and implementing to make their dreams a reality.

You’re daunted by the complexities of having to start from scratch. You didn’t think to look to others for inspiration. Or learn from their failures. You’re the lone wolf trying to do everything on your own.

Not anymore.

I’m on your team now, and I’m going to show you exactly how and why you should be up and running today.

After all, tomorrow never comes. There is no better time than now.


Can you do me a favor though? See this blog post through until the end and start implementing today. I’m going to show you some incredible cosmetic stores made with Shopify, and direct you to the right resources to take action right now!

And it starts as it always does. With our top pick of Shopify's most inspirational cosmetic stores.  


Inspirational Shopify Cosmetic Stores

Carbon Beauty

Carbon Beauty

Carbon Beauty Mobile

The moving images and text when you scroll through the page is unique and engaging. The page transitions when you click on a product are seamless and mesmerizing. Their mobile site is just as impressive too.

Despite these seemingly super advanced transitions and graphics, Carbon beauty believes in keeping things simple and honest.  

Carbon Beauty was founded upon the idea that customers deserve a better platform to explore and purchase beauty products.

You can read more about their values here.


KKW Beauty

KKW Beauty

 KKW Beauty Mobile

Many are surprised when they hear global megastar Kim Kardashian uses Shopify. The pastel and peach tones used in their website fits the theme of Kim K’s personal Instagram page. This creates a strong brand image through consistent stylizing across multiple platforms.

Allure beauty award stickers hover over product images to add more weight to the buying decision.

A lot of people struggle to come to terms with the fact that a name this big uses Shopify to host their online store. Surely this backs the statement that Shopify is an extremely powerful platform.


Happiness Abscissa

Happiness Abscissa

happiness abscissa 

“The Happiness Abscissa (Ha) reflects a person’s happiness. The Ha is a subjective scale that incorporates neurobiologic and sensory elements that can be optimized to improve one’s sense of wellbeing.”

The brainchild of neurologist Emilio and psychiatrist Ann, this measurement is a unique way to personalize their brand. Very interesting use of a seemingly borderless collection page with lots of blank, white empty spaces.

Browsing this site on mobile is a really cool experience, with graphic elements moving behind the text as you scroll through. Check it out for yourself.


The Bearded Bastard

Bearded Bastard

 Bearded Bastard Mobile

The Bearded Bastard instantly differentiated themselves in the market by creating the only moustache wax that didn’t use petroleum. This is important for any business, as your Unique Selling Proposition is a vital element to your success as a product or service provider. Something to think about.

Their site features Instagram integration and product reviews.

Interesting use of language in their copy too, but when you know who you serve, it’s all about saying what’s necessary to connect with your audience!

Read their success story here.




Spectrum Mobile

After diving deep into the world of makeup brushes, the founders quickly realized how many brands were using animal hair. This led to their Unique Selling Proposition of creating a completely synthetic brush range.

Spectrum have some really unique collection pages. Hovering your mouse over certain categories alternates images - a feature that gives the site an artistic, professional edge.

The consistent color scheme creates a strong brand identity. And, according to their site, no unicorns were harmed in the making of Spectrum brushes. Although all that glitter would make you suspect otherwise.

Read about their values and success story here.


Fellows For Him

Fellows For Him

Fellows For Him Mobile

From humble beginnings selling moustache wax, to full-on beard care. As a one-man band, Fellows For Him founder stresses the importance of using Shopify apps to your advantage.

No names, no games, no ad campaigns. They play on the concept that most men seek simplicity in their care routines.

Fellows For Him have integrated a blog into their site to provide value to their readers, building trust and credibility. The color theme of their site ties in well with their natural, ‘woody’ products.

Also, notice the scarcity tactic they use with the clever placement of “ONLY 1 LEFT” over certain products. An easy and effective way to add urgency and increase the perceived value of your products.

Read their success story here.


Alitura Naturals

Alitura Naturals

Alitura Naturals Mobile

When browsing Alitura Naturals we’re first presented with the faces of the company’s Founder & CEO, adding a human touch to the experience. Their use of testimonials gives credibility to their claims of providing high-quality goods.

The site is filled with positive reviews and brand features everywhere you look, which positions them as an authority in their niche.

Bear in mind PageFly Advanced Page Builder for Shopify has the capacity to add testimonial sections like this.

Andy’s success story is funny and inspirational. Read about it here.


Kylie Cosmetics

Kylie Cosmetics

Kylie Cosmetics Mobile

Kylie cosmetics took the world (and Shopify) by storm when they first opened their online store to the world. The entire stock sold out in less than a minute, breaking Shopify traffic records and pushing hard against its limits. They use Shopify Plus, a common choice among global brands for high volume merchants.

Kylie Cosmetics continues to sell out collection after collection to hungry fans. Touted as the fasted growing celebrity brand ever, Kylie monetized her name to astounding success. And it was all hosted by Shopify.

Are you seeing things more clearly now? It doesn’t matter if you’re a simple shoe merchant of humble origin or a Forbes under 30 global superstar, Shopify’s got you covered.


The Growth Experiment

There is one experiment I always share with my friends, colleagues and potential entrepreneurs. It was shown to me by an incredible mentor of mine, a multi-millionaire from Canada who taught me the skill of copywriting.

After doing this experiment, people always tell me how much clarity it gives them, and I hope it can do the same for you.

Do you want to know what this experiment is?

Great. It’s simple and takes only 2 minutes.

Let’s do it together.

Step 1

First, take out a pen/pencil and a piece of paper.

Take a second to go ahead and do that.

Okay, have you got your pen and paper?


It’s important that you actually DO this - otherwise you won’t gain anything from this post and you can stop reading here.

And if you’re busy right now but want to try this for yourself later, save this post and come back to it when you have time.

Okay, let’s get started.

Step 2

Cirlce on page

In the middle of your paper, draw a circle. It should be large enough for you to write inside, but also enough space outside for writing as well.

Now inside the circle list out everything you currently have.

It could be your car, the home you are currently living in, your friends and family, the phone or laptop you are reading this blog on, anything that currently exists in your world.

Take a few minutes to write these all down.


Step 3

Now, outside the circle… list out everything you WANT but don’t currently have.

Maybe it’s a new car, or a bigger house, a dream holiday or a lifestyle change.

Whatever you desire, list it outside the circle of what you do have.

Take a minute or two to do that now.

Are you finished? Good.

Let’s move onto the final step.

Step 4

Take a look at your page. Look at the circle and everything INSIDE the circle.

This is your comfort zone.

Everything you currently have inside your circle, you have because you are comfortable performing the actions needed to get it.

For example - your job provides enough to maintain what you currently possess. And what kind of lifestyle you currently enjoy.

But everything outside your circle, you don’t have because it’s outside your comfort zone. Money, status, resources, fulfillment. You name it, other people out there already have it.

Again, you are not comfortable taking the actions needed to get them… that’s why you don’t have it at this moment right now.

So in order to get everything you want in life… you need to EXPAND your comfort zone.

All you need to expand your comfort zone is to do just one little thing that scares you every day. And as your comfort zone expands, it will start to include all the things you’ve wanted but don’t currently have.

So keep growing...

Keep expanding. This is the quintessential aspect of personal growth.


Get Started Today

So…. If you are a beauty product enthusiast, you have probably considered the possibilities of selling cosmetics online. The good news is, I’m here to tell you its easier than you think. Getting started is not a difficult process.

Do you want to know what this process is?


Let’s do it together. First, follow this link and register for your free Shopify trial. Come back to this post when you’re done.

How easy was that?

Now that you have done this, it’s time to start building your store. Third party Shopify apps make this process so much smoother than you could imagine.

Our recommendation is PageFly. With its drag and drop technology, you can build your store in a matter of hours.  Install the app using this link. Enjoy their 14-day risk-free trial. No strings attached.

Then, watch this quick video to learn how to use it.



Business is all about leverage. Shopify apps are there to be leveraged to your advantage and catapult your business into growth. See our list of the best apps for increasing sales and take your pick. The app store is your oyster!

See you next week!


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