How to drive quality traffic to Shopify store with low cost

Getting sales is the top priority of Shopify merchants, but first, you need traffic. The simplest principle is that no traffic, no sale. Shopify also tells you a lot of ways to get low-cost traffic. However, let's consider the situation that you spent $100 for 10000 traffic, it is really low-cost traffic, and you get only 1 sale. It means that you spend &100 for only 1 sale, it is not really good. So that in this article, I will show you some ways to drive quality traffic to your Shopify store with a low budget.
In this article, I mention about Google Analytics, which help me to track the quality of traffic. It is recommended that you have Google Analytics install on your site
- Don't under-estimate forum sharing
- Instagram influencer is still a great idea
- Don't forget remarketing
- Find a partner and tight together
- Search for bloggers or vlogger
- Social media, social group
- Conclusion
1. Don't underestimate forum sharing.
People consider forum sharing is spammy, I think that it is a kind of inbound marketing or bringing value, in which you share useful idea or content, in term of interesting thread or comment, to attract people to your site. It is important that you consider yourself as value sharing, not a salesman
Please have a look at our Shopify traffic report from Google Analytics, forum seeding always bring really high and quality eCommerce traffic.
You should find a topic or a thread that is relevant to your market, but not just limited to the product. For example, if you selling women's shoes, it is not necessary that you just seed on shoe topic, but you can also find a stylish topic or woman topic… For some forum, they usually send emails and notify their users about the topics that they are following or hot topic of the week. You should try to figure out these patterns and find a way to reach as many users as you can.
Another way you do is pulling traffic from forum to your blog post, then on the blog post, you can mention your product somewhere. Blog post, which is based on shared purpose will be easier to be accepted than talking about your product on the forum.
In order to not become a spammy guy, I suggest that you do not leave comments on all topic, all time in a day, but comment at the right time that the forum is most active. You can use Google Analytics to find out. In secondary dimension, search Hour, you will see which hour of the day, your site get the most Shopify traffic from the forum.
2. Instagram influencer is still a great idea
Shopify also tells you about Instagram influencer: how to find an influencer and the way to write them a letter, I just want to add some more idea.
Marketing using influencer is a great idea. Why? People are not easy to be swayed the advertising, but by the people who they are following. If their idol/influencer are talking about 1 product, it is likely that they will pay attention.
Here is how we suggest you level up your first Instagram influencer marketing campaign:
- Research your market, your audience, find out who is likely to buy your product. Who are they? What do they like? how old are they?...
- Find the relevant influencer. Is their content relevant to your product? Can their fans become your customer? There are a lot of tools for you to find an Instagram influencer, for example, webstagram
- Write him/her a letter, send them a free sample of your product and ask them to make a review, not a promotion, with a link to your product landing page. A review will be easier to be accepted.
- It is easier for you to track the performance of an influencer campaign if create a landing page that is only used for the campaign. In that landing page, you should put a video or image of the influencer using your product.
- Track your campaign performance, if it is good, repeat with the second influencer and so on. If it is not good, you should try to find out the problem. If the failure reason is that because of traffic, so the influencer's content must be not good. If your Shopify traffic is good but the sale is low, so that you may choose the wrong influencer or having a bad landing page.
You can easily build a high-converting landing page and also track the performance with PageFly Page Builder. Free install at Shopify App store.
3. Don't forget remarketing.
People don’t always buy from your site at the first time they visit. The principle of human is to discover. When looking for a product, they are likely to go to multiple sites to look for information, reviews… So it is a waste of potentiality if you let them go. I suggest that you retarget the people who have spent about 30 - 60 second or over on your site. Also, you should remove all user who spends under 10 second, they may miss-click one of your ads and are not likely to buy.
From Google Analytics, you can create an audience of people who spend about 30 seconds or more on your site. Just go to Admin > User definition > Audiences definition > Audiences > Click Create new audience
And from Facebook. Go to Facebook ad manager > Create Custom Audience > Website
However, it is important to remember that, people who drop out of the home page is very different from people who drop out of product page or check-out page so that you need to divide your users into different lists and show them different messages. Please have a further look at the Facebook remarketing guide.
4. Find a partner and tight together.
Let's imagine, you are selling women's clothing and have a constant amount of blog traffic, you can share these traffic with another eCommerce store that sells women's shoes, and vice versa, take advantages of the other's traffic source that you don't have. You two have the same audience but not compete with each other.
Here is the idea, if you are selling women clothing and plan to coordinate with another store who selling shoes. You can write a blog about “Fashion trend of winter 2017” and mention about clothing and shoes with the links to both 2 stores. After that, pull an amount of traffic to the blog. Finally, send the blog post to your partner and ask him to share. I'm sure that he will agree because you have traffic yourself, not just wait for traffic from others. It is a win-win solution.
As said, I always recommend you to track the performance of the campaign. If it is good, you can continue and expand the campaign by coordinating with the second and third partner. If not, try to find the problem, you may choose a wrong partner, which lead to low-quality traffic.
5. Search for bloggers or vlogger
Blogger and press is a little bit the same as the Instagram influencer, but with a different approach. You can search for a blogger on Google, find a top blogger, give them a free sample and ask them for review. A blogger always have a list of fans, so you can have Shopify traffic from it. Furthermore, because their article is always on top of Google, so you will have organic search traffic.
For this way, I suggest that it is most suitable for business and company who provide a solution, a service or high-value product that people have to consider before buying. For clothing or shoes, people will not search for the product like that. For example, if you are selling web service or you are a marketing agency service, you can search for: “tips to optimize web conversion” or “ how to increase conversion rate”...
As said, this solution can apply for the product with high value, that people have to consider before buying, such as furniture, cars…
On the other hand, for beauty and fashion product, you can try Youtube and look for a vlogger. Go to youtube, search for the keyword that related to your product, for example, you are selling skin cream, search for “skin care”, find 3 or 4 top vloggers and contact them to find which one is most suitable for your business.
Also, don’t forget to make them mention you in video description as well as facebook and twitter share.
6. Social media, social group.
No one can deny the huge traffic of the Social network, which includes your social profile, social ad, and social group. However, getting Shopify traffic from social and turning these traffic into sales is not an easy job.
According to Facebook, the behavior of people who join a social network is about connecting, discovery and entertaining, not for buying. It is the reason why people respond badly to promotion or self-promotion content (which is not limited to advertising). So that, the most important principle of the social network is to share useful, beautiful and interesting content. For example, if you are selling food, try making food art video or picture, or for fashion, try making wonderful lookbook or talking about styling.
Another tips for you when creating social content, do not just think about your product, try to think about your customer. For example, if you are selling authentic watches for men so your audience must be businessmen, who are about 30 - 40 years old, also married with a great career. You can also write about men at that ages, their life struggle, their hobby or happiness… By that way, your potential customer will pay close attention to you. In order to find out how your potential customer is like on the social network, you can try Facebook audience insight.
Now you have a good content to share, you now need a way to distribute your content. For Twitter, which works under the principle of following and retweet, you can follow some top profile that is relevant to your market for a few follow-back. One tool that you can use to find relevant users is Followerwonk. Log into Twitter, and you can search relevant keywords in bios and profiles.
After having a list of people to follow, you should come up with a tweeting strategy to get these people’s attention and get retweeted. Facebook share is similar to the retweet on Twitter, you can grow a business page or business page or facebook group to spread your content. These people will share and spread your content to other places. This is how you grow Shopify traffic from social.
Another popular way is using social advertising. As said, in order to make your audience respond to your ad, it is better for you to advertise a useful content, blog post for example. On the blog, you can also mention some of your product.
As you can see, low-cost traffic that has high quality is mainly related to analyzing audience and having good, useful content. Besides, with a right strategy about SEO, forum seeding, and social media or a little money on advertising, you can have constant of Shopify low-cost traffic but in good quality that can convert into customers.
Also, you can make your Shopify traffic effort more worthy by creating a high-converting landing page using PageFly page builder